1. 09 Feb, 2013 5 commits
  2. 07 Feb, 2013 2 commits
  3. 05 Feb, 2013 2 commits
  4. 03 Feb, 2013 11 commits
    • David Schnur's avatar
      Set processed back to false after processing. · ef73cf7e
      David Schnur authored
      This temporary fix addresses the problem described in #810, and possibly
      #945, where calls to setData for a pie chart do nothing.
    • David Schnur's avatar
    • David Schnur's avatar
    • David Schnur's avatar
      Removed unnecessary plugin-global variables. · 55864254
      David Schnur authored
      The canvasWidth, canvasHeight, legendWidth and legendHeight variables
      existed only to share data between the setupPie and draw functions.  Now
      that setupPie has been folded into draw, they're no longer necessary.
    • David Schnur's avatar
      Moved setupPie into the draw function. · 6d70144d
      David Schnur authored
      This code is only used to prepare the plot for drawing; inlining it is
      cleaner and will allow us to get rid of some plugin-global variables
      that existed only to give setupPie a way to share data with the draw
    • David Schnur's avatar
      Eliminate the plugin-global redraw flag. · cfc07ff2
      David Schnur authored
      The redraw flag starts out as true, then is immediately set to false on
      draw.  If labels are enabled, drawPie calls drawLabels, which calls
      drawLabel for each label.  Any label that can't fit sets redraw back to
      true, so the whole process can repeat.
      This isn't the most obvious mechanism, and forces one to remember to do
      things like setting redraw back to true after drawing, so the plot can
      redraw itself on resize or when setting new data.
      Instead we now have drawPie return true when it drew successfully, and
      false otherwise, which the same happening in drawLabels and drawLabel.
      Instead of checking the flag, we now just check the return value.
      This has the added benefit of slightly improving performance in the case
      where several redraws are necessary, since it now short-circuits out of
      the draw loop as soon as one label fails to fit.
    • David Schnur's avatar
    • David Schnur's avatar
      Make the slice total a local variable. · 77889432
      David Schnur authored
      The total is only used within the combine function; it doesn't need to
      exist at the top level of the plugin.
    • David Schnur's avatar
      Moved fixData and calcData into combine. · a1c84203
      David Schnur authored
      They're small and not used anywhere else, so keeping them in separate
      functions only serves to increase complexity.
    • David Schnur's avatar
      Moved other hooks out of the processOptions hook. · a03c4c19
      David Schnur authored
      In plugins we should never add hooks conditionally; the condition should
      remain within individual hooks, so the plugin can be toggled at any
      Ideally we should also 'inline' the hook functions, since they're used
      nowhere else.  But since that would involve a lot of code changes, we'll
      put it off until the broader cleanup effort scheduled for 0.9.0.
    • David Schnur's avatar
  5. 02 Feb, 2013 6 commits
  6. 29 Jan, 2013 1 commit
  7. 28 Jan, 2013 1 commit
  8. 27 Jan, 2013 2 commits
  9. 26 Jan, 2013 8 commits
  10. 25 Jan, 2013 2 commits