Commit edc2bbd9 authored by David Schnur's avatar David Schnur

Added methods to draw and measure text.

These methods provide a common way to draw HTML text above a canvas.

The getTextInfo method generates div HTML for text with a given font
style/class and angle, measures the element's dimensions, and saves
everything in a cache.  The drawText method takes the resulting entry,
finishes generating the inline styles necessary to position the div, and
adds the result to a buffer.  The render method dumps the buffer into an
overlay and expires unused cache entries.
parent 42d5592a
......@@ -46,8 +46,11 @@ Licensed under the MIT license.
function Canvas(cls, container) {
this.container = container;
var element = document.createElement("canvas");
element.className = cls;
this.element = element;
$(element).css({ direction: "ltr", position: "absolute", left: 0, top: 0 })
.data("canvas", this)
......@@ -64,8 +67,6 @@ Licensed under the MIT license.
var context = element.getContext("2d");
this.element = element;
this.context = context;
// Determine the screen's ratio of physical to device-independent
......@@ -89,6 +90,31 @@ Licensed under the MIT license.
// Size the canvas to match the internal dimensions of its container
this.resize(container.width(), container.height());
// Container for HTML text overlaid onto the canvas; created on demand
this.text = null;
// Buffer for HTML text fragments, so we can add them all at once
this._textBuffer = "";
// Cache of text fragments and metrics, so we can avoid expensively
// re-calculating them when the plot is re-rendered in a loop.
this._textCache = {};
// A 'hot' copy of the text cache; it holds only info that has been
// accessed in the past render cycle. With each render it is saved as
// the new text cache, as an alternative to more complicated ways of
// expiring items that are no longer needed.
// NOTE: It's unclear how this compares performance-wise to keeping a
// single cache and looping over it to delete expired items. This way
// is certainly less operations, but seems like it might result in more
// garbage collection and possibly increased cache-insert times.
this._activeTextCache = {};
// Resizes the canvas to the given dimensions.
......@@ -139,10 +165,175 @@ Licensed under the MIT license.
context.scale(pixelRatio, pixelRatio);
// Clears the entire canvas area.
// Clears the entire canvas area, including overlaid text.
Canvas.prototype.clear = function() {
this.context.clearRect(0, 0, this.width, this.height);
if (this.text) {
// Finishes rendering the canvas, including populating the text overlay.
Canvas.prototype.render = function() {
if (this._textBuffer.length) {
// Add the HTML text layer, if it doesn't already exist
if (!this.text) {
this.text = $("<div></div>").css({
position: "absolute",
top: 0,
left: 0,
bottom: 0,
right: 0
this._textBuffer = "";
// Swap out the text cache for the 'hot cache' that we've been filling
// out since the last call to render.
this._textCache = this._activeTextCache;
this._activeTextCache = {};
// Creates (if necessary) and returns a text info object.
// The object looks like this:
// {
// prefix: First half of the HTML for the text's div wrapper.
// suffix: Second half of the HTML for the text's div wrapper.
// dimensions: {
// width: Width of the text's wrapper div.
// height: Height of the text's wrapper div.
// }
// }
// The prefix and suffix are divided at the 'top' inline style definition,
// so the top and left positions can be added when creating the real div.
// Canvas maintains a cache of recently-used text info objects; getTextInfo
// either returns the cached element or creates a new entry.
// @param {string} text Text string to retrieve info for.
// @param {(string|object)=} font Either a string of space-separated CSS
// classes or a font-spec object, defining the text's font and style.
// @param {number=} angle Angle at which to rotate the text, in degrees.
// Angle is currently unused, it will be implemented in the future.
// @return {object} a text info object.
Canvas.prototype.getTextInfo = function(text, font, angle) {
var textStyle, cacheKey, info;
// Cast the value to a string, in case we were given a number or such
text = "" + text;
// If the font is a font-spec object, generate a CSS font definition
if (typeof font === "object") {
textStyle = + " " + font.variant + " " + font.weight + " " + font.size + "px " +;
} else {
textStyle = font;
// The text + style + angle uniquely identify the text's dimensions and
// content; we'll use them to build this entry's text cache key.
cacheKey = text + "-" + textStyle + "-" + angle;
info = this._textCache[cacheKey] || this._activeTextCache[cacheKey];
if (info == null) {
var prefix,
suffix = "px;'>" + text + "</div>",
// If the font is a font-spec object, generate an inline-style string
if (typeof font === "object") {
prefix = "<div style='font:" + textStyle + ";color:" + font.color + ";position:absolute;top:";
} else if (typeof font === "string") {
prefix = "<div class='" + font + "' style='position:absolute;top:";
} else {
prefix = "<div style='position:absolute;top:";
// Create a dummy element off-screen and measure its dimensions
element = $(prefix + -9999 + suffix)
info = {
prefix: prefix,
suffix: suffix,
dimensions: {
width: element.outerWidth(true),
height: element.outerHeight(true)
// Save the entry to the 'hot' text cache, marking it as active and
// preserving it for the next render pass.
this._activeTextCache[cacheKey] = info;
return info;
// Draws a text string onto the canvas.
// The text isn't necessarily drawn immediately; some implementations may
// buffer it to improve performance. Text is only guaranteed to be drawn
// after the Canvas render method has been called.
// @param {number} x X coordinate at which to draw the text.
// @param {number} y Y coordinate at which to draw the text.
// @param {string} text Text string to draw.
// @param {(string|object)=} font Either a string of space-separated CSS
// classes or a font-spec object, defining the text's font and style.
// @param {number=} angle Angle at which to rotate the text, in degrees.
// Angle is currently unused, it will be implemented in the future.
// @param {string=} halign Horizontal alignment of the text; either "left",
// "center" or "right".
// @param {string=} valign Vertical alignment of the text; either "top",
// "middle" or "bottom".
Canvas.prototype.drawText = function(x, y, text, font, angle, halign, valign) {
var info = this.getTextInfo(text, font, angle),
dimensions = info.dimensions;
// Tweak the div's position to match the text's alignment
if (halign == "center") {
x -= dimensions.width / 2;
} else if (halign == "right") {
x -= dimensions.width;
if (valign == "middle") {
y -= dimensions.height / 2;
} else if (valign == "bottom") {
y -= dimensions.height;
// Use inline styles to move the element into position, then add its
// HTML to the canvas text buffer.
this._textBuffer += info.prefix + parseInt(y) + "px;left:" + parseInt(x) + info.suffix;
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