Commit 61c1cad9 authored by David Schnur's avatar David Schnur

Clarify comments describing color generation.

parent c22f3f75
......@@ -423,8 +423,8 @@ Licensed under the MIT license.
var neededColors = series.length, maxIndex = 0, i;
// Subtract the number of series that already have fixed
// colors from the number we need to generate.
// Subtract the number of series that already have fixed colors or
// color indexes from the number that we still need to generate.
for (i = 0; i < series.length; ++i) {
var sc = series[i].color;
......@@ -436,14 +436,15 @@ Licensed under the MIT license.
// If any of the user colors are numeric indexes, then we
// need to generate at least as many as the highest index.
// If any of the series have fixed color indexes, then we need to
// generate at least as many colors as the highest index.
if (maxIndex >= neededColors) {
neededColors = maxIndex + 1;
// Generate the needed colors, based on the option colors
// Generate all the colors, using first the option colors and then
// variations on those colors once they're exhausted.
var c, colors = [], colorPool = options.colors,
colorPoolSize = colorPool.length, variation = 0;
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