Commit 8312eb42 authored by 吴文龙's avatar 吴文龙

Add new file

parent 0071c397
CREATE TABLE "public"."hs_order_statistical" (
"id" uuid NOT NULL,
"order_no" varchar(255) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"order_status" varchar(255) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" DEFAULT 'underway'::character varying,
"code" varchar(255) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"statistic_val" numeric(10,4) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
"start_time" timestamp(6),
"end_time" timestamp(6),
"created_time" int8,
"updated_time" int8 NOT NULL,
"tenant_id" uuid NOT NULL,
"order_array" varchar(1000) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
CONSTRAINT "hs_order_statistical_pkey" PRIMARY KEY ("id"),
CONSTRAINT "hs_order_statistical_order_no_code_key" UNIQUE ("order_no", "code")
ALTER TABLE "public"."hs_order_statistical"
OWNER TO "postgres";
COMMENT ON COLUMN "public"."hs_order_statistical"."order_status" IS '订单状态(underway-进行中;close-结束)';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "public"."hs_order_statistical"."code" IS 'water-水;electric-电;vapor-蒸汽;output-产量';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "public"."hs_order_statistical"."statistic_val" IS '统计值';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "public"."hs_order_statistical"."tenant_id" IS '租户标识';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "public"."hs_order_statistical"."order_array" IS '订单明细';
COMMENT ON TABLE "public"."hs_order_statistical" IS '统计订单的能耗产量(kafka)';
ALTER TABLE hs_customer_extension ADD COLUMN "sort" int4 DEFAULT 1000;
ALTER TABLE tcode_group ADD COLUMN "id" uuid NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE tcode_group ADD CONSTRAINT "tcode_group_pkey" PRIMARY KEY ("id");
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